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On Page SEO Part 1 Search Engine Optimization Guide
You will probably agree with us that people today do not search for products and services in the Yellow Pages or Thompson Local; no they search on the internet either on a desk top computer or increasingly on a mobile phone.
Just ask yourself how you search for information, products and services, were confident that it’s on your smart phone or computer.
And this is exactly how your clients will or will not find you, when they are looking for your products and services.
So if a business cannot be easily found on the internet (mobile phone) when their customers (existing and new) are searching for their products and services, then they will find your competitors and place the business with them instead of with you.
This guide will help you to increase your Brand Awareness, Customer Acquisition, Sales, Revenues and Profits Online, through correct on page search engine optimization an he resulting higher Google rankings.
This guide is a compilation of the latest findings on the most effective techniques for On-Page SEO and is up to date as at December 2017. As you know, Google changes their algorithm more times than you get of bed in the mornings, and what works at this moment might not work in the future.
So please subscribe to receive future updates.
So What Is On-Page SEO And Why Is It So Important?
On-Page SEO is the beginning of the SEO process of optimizing your website for Ranking.
Now hear us here. It may be the beginning but it will make your life easier if you follow what you learn in this guide as closely as you can. The more On-Page SEO your website has the easier it will be to get those page rankings where your existing and potential clients can find you and buy your products and services.
On-Page SEO is the foundation on which ALL other SEO builds upon. Ignore this at your peril.
Remember how you search for products an services online, well your customers (existing and new) do the same.
And they just like you rarely look (search) past Google page 1.
This High Value Real Estate has an address called "The First Page Google Page 1" and its "High Value" because an increasing amount of your existing customers (repeat business) and potential customers (new business) are looking for your company’s products and services right there on "The First Page Google Page 1".
Now this is important as an increasing amount of your existing customers (repeat business) and potential customers (new business) are looking for your company’s products and services right there on "The First Page Google Page 1", and not on a Low Value Real Estate address called page 2 or 4 or 67 etc - no they are only searching (looking) on "The First Page Google Page 1" - and it gets worse.
You see if your company website is not located at this High Value Real Estate address called "The First Page Google Page 1" then your competitors websites are, and an increasing amount of these people - your existing customers (repeat business) and potential customers (new business) - that are searching (looking) for your company’s products and services - are now going to purchase from your competitors instead of from you.
You now understand why its imperative for your company website to be located and positioned at this High Value Real Estate address called "The First Page Google Page 1". So that when your existing customers (repeat business) and potential customers (new business) are looking for your company’s products and services they can find your company (website) and buy from you - got it?
It is ONLY by utilizing and implementing Search Engine Optimization (both On-Page and Off Page SEO) strategies and techniques that will position your website on this High Value Real Estate address called "The First Page Google Page 1" so that new business comes to you.
Without applying SEO to your website (and your other online properties for example your Google My Business (GMB) property) your website will reside at a Low Value Real Estate address called Google page 2 or 4 or 67 etc with all the other "Companies that are going out of business".
And all of that money and time that you spent on planning and building your website will be of no value.
You will be constantly running up hill if your On-Page SEO is poor and you will probably be trapped on page 2.
An analogy is this.
You are a formula one racing team.
You use the best upto date petrol (your Off-Page SEO) available but your racing car (your On-Page SEO) is 10 years old, receives no servicing and your mechanics were trained 15 years ago and have undertaken no more training since.
If you do not build a good upto date racing car with skilled mechanics and regular servicing, your racing car is simply not going to go anywhere despite whatever else you do to get it going.
So without upto date On-Page SEO as prescribed by SEOs who are at the forefront of the SEO knowledge base and implementing prescribed regular updates to your site; your site is going to rank on page 677 of Google or at best on page 2.
Got it.
So lets begin with On Page SEO Part 1
On-Page META Data Optimization
What Is A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
A URL is a URI. A URL is one type of Uniform Resource Identifier (URI); the generic term for all types of names and addresses that refer to objects on the World Wide Web (WWW).
The term "Web address" is a synonym for a URL that uses the HTTP or HTTPS protocol for example a web address is http://jones.com (a root domain) or www.jones.com (a sub-domain) or more completely (correctly) http://www.jones.com (a complete URL web site address).
Wherever possible we recommend using root domains http:// and not sub-domains www.
Web Site Domains
Where possible use an Exact Match Domain for your website (money site).
It may mean that you have to be more cautious with your Keyword ratios and anchor text but it is an important signal to Google (and your audience) as to what your site is about. Here then the benefits out-way the negatives.
What Is An Exact Match Domain (EMD)
An Exact Match Domain (EMD) uses the exact keyword for the domain name.
In this Guide, we will use the familiar "cat training" keyword example to illustrate our points.
In our example the EMD would be http://cattraining.com, http://cat-training.com, or some variation thereof (note: always use the root URL and not the sub-domain www.).
It has been reported that the value of EMDs have been devalued by Google.
We believe that EMDs still work and add value by offering an unfair advantage in site ranking by having the keywords in the URL (more on this later). However, they have a much higher chance of getting hit with over-optimization problems, so be careful with your keyword ratios and anchor text.
We have a choice here and we prefer EMDs and PMDs (Partial Matched Domains – see below). The ranking value is just too good to ignore and we have found that it’s still quite hard to get hit with over-optimization penalties when you are choosing anchor text correctly and in the correct ratio.
Something to consider if you are not building a “Branded Site” for a client for example jones.com. Consider making a PMD and EMD site in parallel, especially if you’re a beginner.
Making parallel "associated sites" helps you minimize the risk of a penalty for example perhaps only one site may be affected. With the best case scenario being that you rank multiple sites on the first page and dominate the keyword / page ranking.
What Is A Partial Match Domain (PMD)
A Partial Match Domain (PMD) uses the target keywords, but adds additional words between or around them for example http://mycattrainingguide.com or http://trainingyourcat.com or even http://topcat.com. Even having one word of the keyword phrase is enough to put you in the PMD category.
PMDs work very well today, as they were blessed with a little more leniency in the June 2014 Google updates. As of now, EMDs and PMDs are our preferred domain naming strategy. We use an EMD if its available, and a PMD if not.
Even at the inner-page level, we have noticed a significant advantage of partial match over exact match. Throw in an extra word in your inner-page naming and you will find it easier to rank over the exact.
For example:
PMD inner page: http://.ilovemymoggy.com/training-your-cat GOOD
EMD inner page: http://.ilovemymoggy.com/cat-training BAD
What Is A Branded Domain
Branded domains include none of the target keywords in the domain name.
All of the major domains that Google loves for example WebMD, Forbes, Amazon, Wikipedia are branded domains and are afforded the most latitude against penalization which then enables Branded anchor text from your links to be pointed at your site, which Google also loves.
Branded domains are great for a long term strategy. If you’re building a site for a real product and are looking to create some recognition, then this is the way to go. Brand domains are also recommended for beginners, where you might not have a fine grasp on the nuances of optimization.
You can have a branded domain homepage targeting your main keyword, even though it does not contain the keyword itself in the URL and this is accomplished by taking advantage of the TITLE tag.
Optimizing On-page Title META
This is what goes into your <title></title> HTML. Also known as your Title Meta. Most people use the popular Wordpress Plug-In's for example "All-in-One SEO" or "Yoast" to create individual title's for each page.
Back in the old days, people used to simply spam this field with their keywords. For example, "Cat Training Tips, Cat Training Guide, Learn How To Train Your Cat".
Today, you want it to be readable (make sense) to the user and you want to use the keywords sparingly (more on this later) and make sure to create a unique title for each page.
Description META Optimization
Same as the title meta. It's filled out with the "All-in-One SEO" or "Yoast" plug in. Use a unique description for each page (more on this later).
Furthermore, using the techniques below, we have seen clients get incredible results, with sites jumping from page 6 to page 1, in a very short period of time (days not weeks) simply from following this Guide.
These days, it's all about being subtle and not blatantly showing Google what you are trying to rank for. Also this strategy does not risk over-optimization and uses Google's highly intelligent semantic “synonym association” to get Google to recognize your page's relevance towards a specific topic.
Get Your Keyword Optimization In The URL
Get your keyword in the URL (once), but add an extra word or two. Use synonyms if possible, for example if a Branded Domain is targeting the keyword "cat training".
GOOD: http://.ilovemymoggy.com/cat-obedience-training (added an extra synonym)
BAD: http://.ilovemymoggy.com/cat-training (don't use the exact keyword in the URL)
Example: Partial Match Domain is going for target keyword "cat training".
GOOD: http://.catguides.com/how-to-train-your-kitten ("kitten" is a related word to "cat")
BAD: http://.catguides.com/how-to-train-your-cat ("cat" is used twice)
Get Your Keyword In The Page Title
Get your keyword in the Page Title (once), keeping the string together for the most part, and keep it at the front of the title tag.
GOOD: Cat Training Guide For Beginners | Obedience Tips And More
BAD: Cat Training - How To Train Your Cat - Cat Training Tips ("Cat Training" is used twice)
META Description On-page Optimization
Use the description to increase the click through rate (CTR) as your primary goal. Just like the meta keywords, the description is also not considered in the Google's ranking algorithm. However, meta descriptions do indirectly improve rankings because they can directly affect CTR, a key factor in ranking (the basis of search and click).
Don’t forget to be salesy: write your descriptions in a way that encourage people to click on your link for example:
- Be descriptive about your page
- Be persuasive
- Make people curious
- Cut the length down to 156 characters and add the word FREE of More as the last cut off word
Example: These time tested cat training tips will work for any cat. You will definitely want to check out our free...
How To Optimize Your Keyword Meta Tag
Some SEOs advise not to use the keyword meta tag as Google doesn't apply it to its ranking algorithm anymore, however we also want to rank for Bing and Yahoo so we sometimes include it.
In Part 2, we’ll be covering "Content" so why don't you subscribe to ensure that you receive the information...
Hope this helps...
Lets talk soon...

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