
How To Write A Blog Post The Critical Success Factors

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How To Write A Blog Post Dissected 

Write A Blog PostHere we take a look at how To Write A Blog Post The Critical Success Factors to getting your post read and syndicated to grow your audience.

So you have an idea about what to write and your certain that your audience will love it.

But how to make the most of your idea.

It all comes down to how you convey your idea into the content of your blog.

I say content because we have not only the written word but for example video, images, podcasts and webinars.

The salient point or if you prefer the golden rule is to always keep your audience (your Target Market and existing followers - "Your Tribe") at the fore front of your mind when creating content and in the delivery of that content; how your audience likes to receive your content.

So I assume that you are doing that and now you have your idea that will be of immense interest to your audience.

So point two is how to present your content, what are the Critical Success Factors (CSF) that will ensure your audience will eagerly and ecstatically consume your content and share it widely so that "Your Tribe" will grow.

Crafting Your Blog Post

As we are Search Engine Optimization (SEO) specialists I will also be providing "SEO Tips" throughout this article (I hope this helps).

The Post Title (see also Meta Description below)

The "Post Title" is the most crucial part of actually getting readers to start reading your post when they see it in an RSS reader, email, social media, or the search engine results page.

Those few words at the beginning of your blog post can be the difference between the post being read and shared throughout the web and it remaining unread in your archives; or in SEO terminology “Nowhere to be found”.

The “Post Title” then is a critical juncture, a decision point for your audience.

The title may only be a few words but they are the most critical words that you will write because for most of your audience the decision as to whether to read your post rests on the Post Title.

Your Blog Post will appear here:
  1. Search engine results

  2. RSS feeds

  3. Links from other bloggers

  4. Social media sites

  5. On your archive pages

In each of these locations the Post Title can be the only thing that people (your audience and prospect audience) see and the sole criteria that they will make in deciding to open and read your post or not.

The sole purpose of your Post Title then is to get your audience to open your post as David Ogilvy who in “Oglivy on Advertising” (a great copywriting book and a recommend read) states:

“The purpose of a title is to get potential readers to read the first line of your content”

The following are approaches to writing such a Post Title, although you would not necessarily use all of them at the same time, in the same post title.

State The Benefit

“Top Weight Loss Program”

Solve A Problem

Google (and your audience) really likes problem solving content tiles for example “How To Pass Your Driving Test”.

The Controversial Statement

“STOP FREE School Dinners”


Always put your “Keywords) in your page title – always (more on this later).

Make It Personal


Power Words

Some words are powerful and invoke emotion, these words are called “Power Words” for example FREE, Sale, Secret, Discover, Learn More, Top, Best, Expert.

The Bold Claim

“Best Anti-Wrinkle Cream Available Today”


“Never Stand In The Way Of A Dog and A Fire Hydrant”

SEO Tip: Google ranks Post Titles (and H title tags – more on this later) in the form of a question very highly especially in the “Featured Snippets” position on page 1 of the Google SERPS for example titles beginning with How, What, Where, and When; also Google likes “Lists” so for example a “List Of Top Soup Recipes”.

SEO Tip: Regarding your post title always if possible (as the title should always make sense to your audience and not just be stuffed with Keywords) place your most important words (perhaps your keywords) first for example Keywords followed by one of the points above so we may have  “Reduce Weight With The Top Weight Loss Program”.

The Opening Line 

Once you’ve got someone past your post’s title and they have opened your post.

Clearly the second most important words in your blog post are those that follow the title – your opening line.

The opening lines purpose is to get your audience to read the next line drawing them deep within your post and compelling them to read further.

Here is how we approach our opening lines.

Identify A Need Or Problem

“Having problems with your relationships, we show you how to get back on track”.

Ask A Question

What would you do to solve this problem.

Say Something Unexpected

“Went to my local café for my daily fix and guess what it taught me about blogging”.

A Personal Revelation

I woke up at the age of 50 poorly equipt to a world I did not recognize... 

“I began my journey learning about making money online at the age of 50 with no prior experience or knowledge

I mention this of course to emphasise that if I can learn how to make money on line then anybody can”

Gary Williams

A Story

Become a story teller and your post and blog will become a success.

We (humans) prefer to communicate with stories and storytelling, so become a great story teller.

Start With A Quotation

“Hard Work and Disciple are the great equalizers”.

Make A Promise or Guarantee

We promise not to waste your time and we guarantee that after reading this article you will be able to write great posts (content).

Make A Controversial Statement

“Dogs are the UK favourite pet”

Paint A Picture

Open with “Picture this” and immediately you will have noticed that you go to your mind were you can “Picture this” and your audience will too.

This allows you to take you audience where you want them to go immediately and set the scene for your post – its very powerful.

Use Statistics

Can be useful; make sure it to relevant to the post and striking or controversial for example “95% of people say Abba are better than the Beatles”

An Image

YouTube Video

OK you know the saying but its true “A picture paints a thousand words”.

The key is to find an image that is on topic and creates emotion for the audience.

 A Video

YouTube VideoYes thats right a Video, and nothing can be more powerful than a video.

This is because it appeals to our sight and sound senses.

Get the right on topic and emotional video and your post will be both read and shared widely (more on this later)


You can see that the “The Opening Line” supports the “Page Title” and should be on topic while creating emotion with your audience.

Post Content

You post needs a point and a point of view (preferably yours) if your audience is to read past the opening sentence, and even more so to get shared.

Or to put it another way:
  1. What’s the point of your post?

  2. What am I trying to communicate in the content?

  3. What impact do I want to have on my reader?

  4. How will this benefit my reader from reading my post content?

All of your hard work in choosing topics, titles and opening lines will go to waste if your post content is weak for example it is poorly written with no real point to it and the content doesn’t really matter or benefit your audience.

It goes without saying that the content should be relevant to the post tiles and opening sentences.

More importantly it should be directed at and be extremely relevant to your target audience.

Always try and incorporate relevant image(s) and video(s) in your content especially in long content as it helps to break up the lines of text and importantly adds the visual learning element to the post.

For post content construction (see the SEO section later).

Call To Action

OK you wrote you post with a great title, opening sentence and killer content now what.

Well you probably want your audience to do something and we do this with a Call To Action (CTA) like this one:

Your first step is to download your FREE Ultimate Guide To Making Money Online

or this one

Call To Action

Here are some top tips to creating your own CTAs

Know What Action You Want Your Audience To Take

And ask them to take it, for example:

  1. If you want people to subscribe ask them.

  2. If you want people to buy something – show them how to.

  3. If you want people to watch your Webinar, show them how to sign up

  4. If you want a share on Facebook – ask for it.

  5. If you want people to comment, invite them to do so.

In designing your CTAs ask yourself the following:

  1. What’s the purpose of your post?

  2. What do you want readers to do as a result of reading the post?

Search Engine Optimization For Your Blog Content

While we are here, lets also take a quick look at Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

We specialize in SEO so please bear in mind the following when you are constructing your blog content.

When it comes to on-page optimization, certain places are more valuable to have your keywords in than others. Based our tests, and in the order of impact, from the most valuable keyword real-estate to the least valuable:
  1. URL

  2. SEO Title Tag (i.e.: <TITLE></TITLE>)

  3. H1 (i.e.: Page title)

  4. H2, H3

  5. Content

We can use this knowledge to our advantage, if we have multiple keywords that we want to target on a single page, which should typically always be the case.

Let's say we have the following keywords we want to target on the homepage in order of importance:
  1. Cat Training

  2. Cat Obedience

  3. Cat School

  4. Litter Training For Cats

  5. Cat Ball Training

The Blog URL

Let’s start with our URL, making a branded domain, with an inner page targeting. How many keywords can we fit in the URL without looking spammy. The following URL covers our two most important keywords.

URL: http://felineexpert.com/cat-training-and-obedience

Now for the SEO title tag. Again, let’s try to get as many keywords as possible in there, remembering the rules we read about before.

SEO Title Tag: Cat Training And Obedience School | Feline Expert

Feline Expert is included in the Tile Tag for Branding purposes – not for generic ranking purposes.

The Blog Title

Next comes our Page Title and we definitely will want to get our top keywords in here, and let’s also try to include some of the words that we have not used so far. Additionally, we'll use a synonym “Kittens” to get some semantic advantage.

The H1 Title Tag

Try to include your target keyword only once in one <h1> tag. And to try and make it a part of a larger phrase, and not just the exact keyword.

Remember each page should only have one <h1> tag. Most themes have it setup to automatically create a <h1> tag from your page title, so be sure that you do not create two.

Each <h1> tag can have other <h2> tags underneath it, and the <h3> tags go underneath those <h2> tags.


SEOs debate over how many words per page is optimal. No one has the exact number, because it pertains on a per-niche and per-keyword basis. For example, pages in the Life Insurance niche typically require more words per page to rank than others.

However, based on our testing experience and recent third party studies, the minimum amount of words you want on a page is:

Regular page: 500+ words

Web 2.0 page: 1000+ words

To be safe, we recommend writing any page you want to rank for with 1000+ words or more.

It’s just going to make your life easier. This however cannot always be achieved, especially if your site is highly graphical, so in those circumstances, stick to the minimum recommendations above.

Google is always looking for highly relevant content and for some niches this requires lengthy articles.


Try always to include video(s) embedded within your content, Google owns YouTube and video is a ranking factor to content on the SERPS.


Try always to include image(s) embedded within your content and also include the alt text.

SEO Hong Kong

Meta Description

The pages Meta Description is no longer considered by Google as a ranking factor in its Search Engine Results Pages (SERPS).

Never the less it is a very important piece of real estate in its support of the content "Page title".

So use the Meta Description in support of the content "Page title" and add a "Sales hook" for example:
  1. Learn more here

  2. FREE Guide

  3. You and get FREE.... (last allowable entry)

The sales hook as with the page title is and should be designed to encourage the audience to open the post.

For more information on Search Engine Optimization for your content your can download your FREE Guide here Ultimate Guide To Website Search Engine Optimization.

Hope this helps...

Lets talk soon



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Want to know how to make money online? then why don't you download your FREE Ultimate Guide To Making Money Online and we will also forward to you your "FREE Bonus" the Ultimate Guide To Website Search Engine Optimization so that you will have all the information on how to "Make Money Online".



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How To Generate Money With Your Website Or Blog Content

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We GUARANTEE that both of these guides will show you the insider secrets on how to make money online; so what are you waiting for simply enter your details and check your inbox. Begin TODAY to make money online and "Live Your Dream" were you decide how much money you want to enjoy in your life, while only working when, where, and how you want to from anywhere in the world.

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We're Making Money Online...YOUR New Opportunity Is Right Here

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How To Generate Money With Your Website Or Blog Content

Generate Money With Your Website Or Blog

Generating Money with a Website Or Blog content is one of the best ways to earn money on the internet.

And getting started is easier than ever with WordPress and Elegant Themes.

But what are the ways to generate the cold cash, lets take a look at some that will get the cash registers ringing in no time.

Choose The Right Niche

You will have heard this before because its the starting point of any marketing campaign if you want to be successful at earning money online with your site.

You have to niche right down, the farther the better providing there is a large enough audience there with the money to purchase your products an services.

So niche, size of audience (target market) with the ability and willingness to spend money on your products and services is the critical success factors to any marketing campaign on or off line.

Choose The Right Affiliate Products

So you have found your target market who has the ability and willingness to spend money on your products and services; we discuss some options below but many online marketers focus at least initially on affiliate marketing for example using clickbank.

You should check out clickbank as a source of affiliate products.

However there is an "innate" problem with using not only clickbank but the clickbank affiliate model for earning money online.

Full details can be found in your FREE Ultimate Guide To Making Money Online...

and I highly recommend that you get your copy...

if you are serious about earning money from your website or blog

Google Adsense

Google AdSense is a program run by Google that allows publishers in the Google Network of content sites to serve automatic text, image, video, or interactive media advertisements, that are targeted to site content and audience of third party websites and blogs (your website or blog).

Put simply Google Adsense allows other people to advertise their products an services on your site for which you get paid a commission.

Many people think that Google Adsense is outdated and a poor way of earning money online and generally I agree here.

Today there are simply easier and importantly more productive ways to earn money online from your site.

Having said that one of our clients continually earned over 100,000 USD pa using only Google Adsense.

Of course this increased substantially with our other strategies, products and services that we introduce to the site, but it does illustrate that there is still some life in Google Adsense.

Direct Ads

Direct Ads is were you approach third party vendors of products and services and get them to directly advertise on your site.

As you have cut the intermediary out of the middle for example clickbank you get to keep more of the money.

Still there are problems with this model of making money online an they are explained in full in your  FREE Ultimate Guide To Making Money Online...

Create Your Own Product or Course

There is a large amount of money that can be made with creating your own product or course and distributing it on your website or blog.

As you own the "down stream" you keep that share of the money.

In addition you could of course also get other people to distribute your product or course on their sites as well, and you can do this through clickbank so if you are interested in this I highly recommend that you check clicbank out.

However again there is an "innate" problem with creating your own product or course model for earning money online.

Full details can be found in your FREE Ultimate Guide To Making Money Online...

Hope this helps...

Lets talk soon



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Want to know how to make money online? then why don't you download your FREE Ultimate Guide To Making Money Online and we will also forward to you your "FREE Bonus" the Ultimate Guide To Website Search Engine Optimization so that you will have all the information on how to "Make Money Online".



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When Is WordPress Not The Best Option

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Making Money Online Has Never Been Easier ...

Discover the insider secrets we use to take any website from a few visitors to hundreds of thousands, and in so doing how to make money online using a process that anybody can follow, simply enter your details below to receive your FREE Ultimate Guide To Making Money Online, and we will also forward to you your "FREE Bonus" the Ultimate Guide To Website Search Engine Optimization; a step by step guide to ranking your website on Google.

We GUARANTEE that both of these guides will show you the insider secrets on how to make money online; so what are you waiting for simply enter your details and check your inbox. Begin TODAY to make money online and "Live Your Dream" were you decide how much money you want to enjoy in your life, while only working when, where, and how you want to from anywhere in the world.

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When is WordPress Not the Best Option for Site Owners and Brands

Alternative WordPress OptionsWith WordPress accounting for some 22% of all sites on the web its hard to imagine any alternatives.

However there are plenty of ways to create websites and WordPress might not always be the best solution. Here are a few reasons why.


When Is WordPress Not the Best Option

Firstly WordPress can simply be overwhelming especially for newbies.

WordPress has been developed and improved into the excellent platform that it is today, however its extensive features can be to much if you are new to blogging platforms.

If you simply want to "get online" then there are much simpler ways of doing so for example Blogger which is also FREE.

Oh I here you say WordPress is also FREE, but what about hosting costs, domain costs and you might also fancy a premium theme - we recommend Elegant Themes by the way, however again this adds even more complexity to the situation.

There is no question in my mind that even if you are half serious about your online presence then WordPress and Elegant Themes are the way to go - period - but otherwise the cost and complexity can be to much.

Alternative WordPress Options

So what are the alternatives to WordPress, here are a few suggestions:

Content Management System Alternatives To WordPress

These six alternatives to WordPress are all standalone Content Management Systems (CMS) which means that you will have to arrange third party hosting for them.


Joomla is the second most popular CMS in use today, but accounts for only a small fraction of WordPress's market share.

Some people still find it less beginner-friendly than WordPress. And, while the third-party extension marketplace is well-developed, you still won’t find anywhere near as many options as WordPress.


Drupal is the third most popular CMS, however it is not nearly as beginner friendly. While Drupal does offer modules and themes to extend its looks and functionality, beginners will struggle to create detailed sites with Drupal. Drupal is most suited to developers who value its prominent feature of handling large amounts of data.


Ghost is a lightweight content management system built specifically for blogging and publishing. If you are only looking to blog and are willing to forgo WordPress’ large plugin marketplace then Chost may be for you as it is built on the latest technology.

Craft CMS

Although not well known Craft has some very large user clients such as Netflix. The platform however is mostly suited and suitable for developers as it is a back-end platform with no themes.

Pulse CMS

Pulse CMS is a niche platform suitable for developers – but definitely a unique alternative to WordPress.


Like Pulse CMS and Craft CMS, Grav is more suited for developers than casual users having no data base.

Website Builder Alternatives to WordPress

These three tools can all be classified as website builders. That means you don’t need to install the software on your own website you instead use the providers own platforms.


Favored by newbies and beginners alike Wix is simple to use.

Wix is a free premium website builder that allows you to create your entire website using drag and drop. You can choose from one of the many Wix templates and then edit them as needed to create your site.

That said it lacks the flexibility of WordPress and has a paid for option for added features.


Squarespace is a website builder designed to make it easy for beginners to create a site. You can create both a static website as well as an eCommerce store.

Its features, benefits and drawbacks are similar to Wix, but with no free option prices at 12 USD pm.


Unlike Wix and Squarespace, Shopify is exclusively for creating an eCommerce store.

While you’re free to use your own domain name, Shopify handles the hosting and maintaining your store.

Like WordPress, you can then extend your Shopify store further with themes and apps.

If you are only considering a eCommerce site then give Shopify a look.

Blogging Alternatives To WordPress

These tools won’t help you build a full website, but if you only want to Blog for FREE then they are alternatives to WordPress.


Don’t expect to do anything other than publishing basic blog posts with sharing. If that all you want then Tumblr may be for you.


Blogger is Google’s competitor to WordPress.com. You can either create your blog as a subdomain of blogspot.com or use your own domain name.

While Blogger isn’t as popular as it once was, it’s still a nice free solution.


Medium is a popular publishing platform, so if you’re exclusively looking to publish blog posts then check it out.


In our view WordPress is the Rolls Royce of CMS but it comes with a relative cost and complexity which may not be suitable for everybody or all circumstances.

Still once you have used it, its virtually impossible to consider anything else.

For me WordPress and Elegant Themes are the way to go.

Hope this helps.

Lets talk soon.




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Improve Site Content and Conversions With Online Video

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How To Improve Site Content and Conversions With Video

YouTube Video

OK the first thing is we will be looking at more than 3 ways to Improve Site Content and Conversions With Video.

This is because as I hail from an SEO background I know that video is an extremely valuable ranking factor for Google (as you know Google owns YouTube) and as such should be used and utilized as much as possible within your content - period.

This will not only get you higher organic rankings but will in itself lead to high conversions and shares, which lead to even more conversions.

Did You Know?
  • 92% of mobile video users share with others

  • 500 million people watch Facebook video daily

  • 76% of marketers plan to add video to their site making it a higher priority than Facebook and Twitter

  • 88% agree that using video in education increases achievements

  • YouTube has 20% of all search traffic and is still growing

So lesson number 1 - use video as much as possible within your content - OH here is our video now as an example of how to use video within your content...just embed it.

Create Your Own Video

Today you really have no excuses for not making and including video in your content (I mean if pushed you can use other people videos embedded from YouTube etc) but you should really be creating and using your own.

It can be as simple (and as effective) as using your iPhone or using apps like Periscope or the Facebook app which is great for ad hoc video and sharing to your timeline.

So every article should be between 500 - 1,000 words or more and contain video and images (with Alt Text) for more information get your Ultimate Guide To Website Search Engine Optimization

Create An Explanation or How To Video

Explanation videos are great, firstly they are video content (see above) and will be shared more readily by your visitors and you of course for example on YouTube and where possible all of your social media.

These types of videos do not need to be complicated or master pieces you can use Power Point, your iPhone, a Flip Camera or your Webcam, alternatively whiteboards work great also.

So in additional to having shareable video content on your site, many visitors to your site are visual people so they prefer and will absorb your information or sales pitch more readily through video than text which means more conversions.

So pick up your iPhone and start creating explainer videos it really is as simple as that.

Testimonial Videos

Testimonial Videos are like the "holy grail".

Nothing will build trust for your site and brand like a Testimonial Video, you simply cannot have enough of them.

After a sale simply whip out your iPhone and get a Video Testimonial from your customer.

Embed them on your site and share them "Everywhere".

Summary Videos

Why not add a summary video of your text content to every piece of content you write.

Remember some of your site visitors will prefer video.

Just use any video medium you prefer iPhone, Webcam, Power Point (even better with a voice over).

Onscreen Video

Take a video of your screen while explaining your actions is an excellent version of the Explanation or How To Video here is an example by Buzzsumo:

Video Ads

Oh just in case you missed it here is our video Ad.

Why not create your own or you will miss out on a huge amount of traffic and conversions if you don't.

You can use the methods suggested above or take a look at videomaker

Use A Custom Thumbnail For Your Video

Remember to always use a custom thumbnail for all your videos here's ours:

SEO Hong Kong

We always use the same thumbnail for branding purposes but you should always choose the most appropriate for example by subject matter or for effect.

Email Videos

Video emails are the latest hot thing for engaging with your client email list and cold email strategy.

They have huge advantages over text emails check them out here at BombBomb

Hope this helps.

Lets talk soon.




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How To Remove The Powered By WordPress Link Site

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Easily Remove the “Powered by WordPress” Link From Your Site

Powered By WordPress LinkEverybody knows that working with WordPress is fantastic.

However one aspect that you might not want to show on your website is the “powered by WordPress” text and link in the footer.

For many it simply looks “un-professional” and for many people they would rather put their own credits in the footer for example copyright declarations and footer links.


So what to do?

Firstly Through The Theme Customizer

The first way to do it is through the Theme Customizer.

However not all WordPress themes or builders support this possibility.

But if they do, the easiest way to get rid of the “powered by WordPress” credits is by doing it this way.

Start by going to your WordPress dashboard > Appearance > Theme Customizer.

Once you’re in the Theme Customizer, you can scroll down the different options until you come across ‘Footer’. Depending on your theme, you can there find the option to disable and/or modify the footer credits.

Through The Editor

 If the above is unsuccessful for example the theme will not allow it, then try this.

Firstly its important to note, that if you want your deleted or modified code to remain changed after your next theme update, you’ll want to make sure you’re using a child theme, otherwise you will have to repeat the following every time you update your theme.

Start by going to your WordPress Dashboard > Appearance > Editor > And opening the footer.php file.

Once you’re there, you can simply look for the part where the site info is mentioned.

Within the lines of code, you can make the modifications you want to the credits of your footer for example remove the “powered by WordPress” text and adding your won text.

You can also get rid of it in total by just erasing the part that’s included in the div.

Afterwards, just save the modified footer.php file and once you refresh your website; you’ll see that the footer credits are gone or modified!

Hope this helps.

Lets talk soon.




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How To Live Steam With WordPress

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WordPress Live Steaming

Live Streaming With WordPressStreaming live video is not as simple as pressing a button.

Of course there are ways to do that through apps like Periscope or the Facebook app, but I would suggest that’s for casual off-the-cuff content, and those apps are great for that type of content for example Gary V type content.

But if you want high quality production live stream content with its home as your WordPress site then there are further considerations depending on your specific requirements and desired outcomes.

Now unless you are a “professional” with tonnes of money any of the following will work for you.

So if all you want to do is live stream vlogs or be a talking head, any of the following will work for you.

As mentioned above the Periscope or Facebook apps would work also.

However bear in mind if you are not going to use external hardware (camera, mic, lights, etc.), your video (your content) will appear lower quality, or at least casual and amateur which is fine if that id the look and feel that you are looking for and especially for ad hoc content which is great by the way.

However if you are looking for more of a studio look and feel keep reading.

What Software Will You Need


Wirecast is the first choice for every kind of live streaming it has the most features streams everywhere, allows overlays and various screen orientations and configurations, separate audio and video tracks, in-stream graphics, the whole package.

But it comes at a price with $695 and $995 options, so is not for everyone.

However it is the best option, but not the only option.

Ecamm Live

Firstly for a total price of $29.95 it offers great value.

So what do you get.

The main drawback is that it online works with solo streams, however if that is what you are looking for then Ecamm Live is for you.

It integrates with YouTube Live and Facebook Live, and you can overlay with text and graphics and import pre-recorded video to mix in with your live content and you can also share your screen with viewers.

Open Broadcaster Software

The main benefit here is that it is totally free and has an incredibly active community behind it.

OBS has all the features you could want but it’s a bit fiddly so you will probably spend more fiddling with more options to get it working than others, but it’s free an if you like that then OBS is for you.


OK here is the middle option at $199.

It allows Skype and video call integration, desktop sharing, and overlays. It also works on Windows, which isn’t always the case with video software including Ecamm Live.

Live Streaming With WordPress

What WP Plugins Are Required

So how will you broadcast via your WordPress site?

Best Option

Elegant Themes – Divi Code Module

Probably the easiest way to get your live stream into WordPress is using Divi.

When you use either Facebook Live or YouTube Live, you’re given a prep area before you actually go on-air.

In that, you’ll find an embed code that looks something like this:

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fgeekfitnesscast%2Fvideos%2F1908463262515597%2F&width=400"width="400" height="400" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>

All you have to do is copy/paste that into the Divi Code Module and publish/update your post or page. When the stream goes live, the video will start to play on your website through WordPress automagically and remain there as long as the video stays on Facebook (or YouTube or wherever).

You really can’t get easier than that.

 For Non-Eligent Theme Users


Unlike a lot of other streaming software, VideoWhisper’s WordPress Live Streaming plugin doesn’t rely on you to be using Facebook or YouTube or Twitch to host your stream. You do all of it through your WordPress installation (as long as your host meets the requirements.)

Built-in compatibility with external software and encoders like Wirecast and OBS, as well as with WordPress plugins like BuddyPress, make this one worth checking out.

If you want full and total control of live streaming with WordPress, VideoWhisper is really and truly your best option.

Hope this helps.

Lets talk soon.




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So You Want To Submit A Podcast To iTunes

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How To Submit A Podcast To iTunes

Submit a Podcast to iTunes

If you are going to be a podcaster, then you will want to use iTunes to distribute your podcast as they are the original and established distributor of podcasts.

More importantly almost two third of podcast listeners (your customers) go through iTunes or Apple podcasts and many of the third party podcasting providers only aggregate iTunes content.

So iTunes is where its at for podcasts.


This means that you need to know how to submit a podcast to iTunes if you want anyone to listen to you.

Step 1 Pre-submission

You need to have produced your podcast, the submission to iTunes is the last stage of the process.

Pre-submission Check List
  • At least 1 episode should be recorded and published (preferably more)

  • Podcast artwork should be uploaded with a resolution between 1400×1400 and 3000×3000 in JPG or PNG format (note that it must be square for iTunes inclusion)

  • Your title, description, summary, categories, and contact info should be filled out completely (done through your host’s admin panel)

Step 2 Submission Through Your RSS Feed

Podcasts are distributed by RSS feed. Rather than hosting your content itself, iTunes will give your listeners’ software this feed address, and they will download it from your host directly. You won’t set up this feed manually–your host will provide the address that you will submit to iTunes.

Blubrry PowerPress

Finding your feed with PowerPress is easy. Head to PowerPress -> Settings and click on Step 3. The next page will have your feed address at the very top.


Upon logging into your Libsyn dashboard, you will see Destinations in the menu. Click it or Edit or View Existing from the dropdown menu, and you will see your RSS feed address.


Soundcloud is a little more hidden (and the feed looks a little different), but it will work the exact same way. You will click the three dots in the upper right of the toolbar to expand the menu, navigate to settings, and into the content tab. Your RSS feed will be at the top.

Step 3: iTunes Podcasts Connect

Apple has only one way that you can submit your podcast to them. Head over to Podcasts Connect, Apple’s dedicated podcast portal for creators.

Note: you must have an Apple ID for this. If you don’t have one, create one (you have to download iTunes to do this. Sorry! I know it’s a pain.), and if you do have one, sign in with it.

Once you are signed in you will see a + to the left where you can add a new show to the directory, and you will see the artwork for all of your shows displayed here.

When you hit the +, you’re taken to a simple page where you are asked to enter and validate your RSS feed address.

RSS Feed Invalid

There are lots of reasons for your feed to come back invalid, but the main ones are:
  • Your artwork doesn’t meet the minimum specifications (at least 1400×1400 resolution and JPG or PNG format)

  • One of the required fields such as category, email, title is missing

  • That you haven’t published an episode yet and the feed is empty

RSS Feed Validated

Check your show’s details to make sure that everything is exactly like you want it to be, and you are ready hit that Submit button and your podcast is submitted for review.

You will get a confirmation email when you podcast has been approved.

You can now go back into Podcasts Connect after that and see that your show is listed in your dashboard now.

Clicking into the new show will give you the few options Apple allows you. Within a day, the podcast feed will proliferate through the system, and the link to the iTunes Store will go live.

Hope this helps.

Lets talk soon.




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Beauty Blogs Made With WordPress

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WordPress Beauty Blogs

Beauty Blogs

Beauty blogs are one of those kinds of websites that are by their nature very niche specific, which is good because we can get a lot of inspiration for them not only for Beauty blogs but all niche specific websites.

Dynamic by nature they tend to be updated regularly to reflect the latest news and products relative to their niches.



The main focus of this site are beauty related products for example makeup, skincare and hair.

You will notice that the homepage and menu are nicely balanced with the posts on the homepage carefully selected.

Notably instead of filling the homepage with “all sorts” of posts, the menu items contain a preview of the last three articles that can be found in that specific category. This prevents visitors being overwhelmed while presenting your chosen products.



The clue is in the site name with this website focusing on all kinds of beauty factors for men from skincare to body, hair and fragrance.

This site shares a lot more of their content on the homepage while offering a simple and easy to navigate menu.

The Formula

The Formula

This site has a look and feel that is very niche specific which is exactly what you are looking for with any niche site.

With the added benefit for a niche site of presenting a minimalist look, feel and style this site is an excellent example of niche design minimalism, with a black and white overlay.

Simply the right look for the niche, well done.

Barefoot Blonde

Barefoot Blonde

With an interesting Instagram feed at the top of the page, this site is very “visual” presenting quite a unique and well presented feature that can easily be incorporate into a WordPress site.

So if your niche is “visual” this might be the look you are seeking.

Very Good Light

Very Good Light

Another site for men specializing in face, body and hair. A feature of this site is the scrolling animation.

Beauty Is Boring

Beauty Is Boring

Again using a “black and white” overall theme the site carries off a look and feel typical of the niche both simple and effective.



Commencing with a slide show ensuing the latest posts are presented to their visitors and finishes with an Instagram feed. Again a “visual” experience for a visual niche.

Jaclyn Hill Makeup

Jaclyn Hill Makeup

Again this site uses black and white colour themes throughout.

Amelia Liana

Amelia Liana

Summertime is here again with this site and importantly and surprisingly the only site to feature video.


These sites offer a good selection of features which can be incorporated into any site. The “black and white” theme together with the “visual” experience illustrate the specific niche attributes of the Beauty Blogs which should be kept in mind if you are creating a Beauty Blog.

Talk soon.


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